Saint John’s is a friendly and growing parish located in the midst of downtown Detroit. Our mission is to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ through traditional worship, Biblical preaching, sound teaching, and caring fellowship; and to equip us to live and share the Good News of God in Jesus Christ.
We are a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan and a member of the Episcopal Church which in turn belongs to the worldwide fellowship of national churches called the Anglican Communion.
Anglicanism is a part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church instituted by Jesus Christ. The word ‘Anglican’ refers to our spiritual heritage and roots in the Church of England. The Anglican Communion affirms its ‘Catholic’ heritage. That term is used to affirm our fidelity to the whole Faith as revealed by Jesus Christ (without either additions or subtractions) as proclaimed by the Apostles, evangelists, saints, scholars and martyrs of the Early Church and taught in Holy Scripture. At the same time Anglicans give thanks for the witness of those pastors and teachers, who in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries sought to “reform” the Church, some of whom gave their lives in witness to the authority of the Bible as the principle rule of Faith and Practice.
The center of our worship is The Holy Communion. It is the service specifically commanded by Jesus in the New Testament. The Eucharist joins our offering of worship to Christ's offering of Himself upon the altar of the cross. As He promised (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 6; I Corinthians 11) Jesus is truly, spiritually present under the outward forms of the consecrated Bread and Wine, as an assurance of Grace to infuse our lives with the spiritual strength of His life.