First of all, expect to be welcomed and greeted by many folks with smiles on their faces.  We are grateful to have guests to share in worship.  Generally the time before the Service is quiet as people prepare for worship.  You will be handed an Order of Service which contains the hymns and prayer book page numbers, as well as the weekly newsletter, The Chronicle

6T3A9622 800It may seem overwhelming at first to figure out where we are in the liturgy, but we promise you, after a few weeks, it will make sense.  Lean over and ask for help if you are not sure what page we are on, or perhaps for the first week just watch and soak it all in!

After the 10 AM Service we gather downstairs for coffee and treats, and on some days, a luncheon as well.  Be sure to ask an usher, or anyone who looks like they know where they are going, for directions to get there.